Saturday, December 15, 2018


Why Uganda, the pearl of Africa?
Many travelers wonder why Uganda which is a landlocked country is referred to as the pearl of Africa and also the leading tourism destination in Africa. It is really not easy to clear the doubt unless you personally visit the beautiful nation. Many writers and books talk about Uganda but one can’t conclude that it’s the best tourist destination in Africa. The perfect way to prove the beauty of the pearl of Africa is by visiting the nation to come up with realistic remarks.

Uganda is located along the Equator, the country has stable climate that is characterized of two dry seasons which are the best times for exploring the hidden gems. These two seasons are the periods that the country receives different visit from all corners of the world for a lifetime experience, filled with a full enjoyment and pleasure. One of the exciting activities during the dry season is the gorilla safaris which attracts visitors from the entire parts of the world. Gorilla trekking in Uganda is unique compared to other countries because there two national parks that offer the gorilla safari adventure in Uganda.

Uganda is a home to half of the remaining mountain gorillas in the wilderness hence receiving the greatest number of trekkers compared to Rwanda and Democratic Republic of Congo where the gorillas can be trekked. A visit to Bwindi Impenetrable national park and Mgahinga gorilla national park is a true assurance that travelers will encounter the giant humble apes in the jungle. Many visitors wander why the dry season is the best period for gorilla trekking but the answer is simple because during the dry season the trails are dry and easy to access with less muddy difficulty. During the dry season the apes roam the forest freely as they search for water and food hence easy for trekkers to encounter them. Some of the primates that can be seen in the jungles include; chimpanzees, golden monkey, baboons, black and white colobus, squirrels and others.

The other wonderful activity in Uganda for visitor is the game viewing. The pearl of Africa is a habitat for over 1500 mammal species, many travelers are attracted to come and see them in the natural setting. A game drive in Uganda’s savanna parks guarantees visitors are lifetime experience of seeing mammals like leopards, elephants, buffaloes, giraffes, Uganda kobs, Zebras, antelopes, lions among others. Despite of the fact that these animals can be seen round the year but the best period is the dry season as most often the animals converge around water spots for drinking and cooling their bodies. Just imagine how wonderful to see the herbivorous of the wild grazing in the fleshy savanna plains green.

Uganda is also boosted with over 45 ethnic groups each with unique cultural features that has made the country undoubted when it comes to cultural encounter in Africa. Culture is one of the finest tourist attractions in Uganda as travelers flock the country to experience the different cultures that are in a single beautiful nation. Each of the tribes in Uganda has its own way of living displaying different lifestyle of a true traditional African society. Have you never seen a family depending entirely on nature and sleeping under a grass thatched house? If never, then Uganda is the place to visit and see Africa in its past. Cultural safari in Uganda will never disappoint any visitor because of the diverse tribes.

When it is about nature, it is the reason why Uganda is considered to be the pearl of Africa. Beautiful water bodies, mountains, valleys, forests that are eye catching will convince you that the country is a real paradise of Adventures. These are the reasons why Uganda is year out and year in flocked by tourists. 

Thursday, December 6, 2018


                   6 benefits for group travels 

Exploring the planet as a solo traveler is a desire for many adventurers’ travelers as they explore the globe in their own Pace. This comes as a will to feel the taste of beautiful spots that as an individual it brings the hidden self-esteem into the limelight. While on the other hand group travel is often the most funny and exciting adventure as every corner of the world becomes a home away from home.
Travelling in a group of family members, friends, schoolmates, classmates, and college mates is a unique way of exploring a particular destination into its depth as it’s always filled with fun making the entire travel experience memorable for each individual in the group.
There are actually many advantages of taking adventures as a group, some of the benefits include;

Someone next to you
It is always the worst experience to have no one adjacent to you as the long hours of the journey seems never to end. Imagine sitting in those 10th hours of the flight without a smile or a world from anyone, makes the whole journey tiresome hence creating a lot of fatigue. But group travel will be a moment of remembrance as people will shorten the long journey with the help of passing time while charting, playing games or even telling each other their previous travels stories.

Getting the best photography moments
A moment of struggling to get the best travel photos is not part of a group travel. It was long ago when travelers used to get self-portraits. When travelling in a group you definitely have someone available to hold for you the camera and get the best travel images. Because handing your camera to a local person for picture might not be a good deal for the best of photography experience.

Safety guaranteed by numbers
Exploring a foreign country can sometimes be hectic as the entire destination is a new spot. A group of travelers is always at lesser risks of target than a solo traveler. Group travelers don't battle looking for taxis and services because they are easily be recognized and considered for the service hence less intimidating. Notable is that in case of any sickness or hurt, there are people around to help out the situation.

Instant friends
During a group tour, tourists get the chance to meet other tourists from the other parts of the world. Who share the same passion of exploring the globe? This passion is the starting point for getting new friends as the days for the adventure continues the bond between the groups members keep tightening. The members in the group end up becoming great friends.

Trying new experiences
Travelling in a group can motivate one to try adventures that when she/he is alone cannot do. Some of these experiences can be scuba diving, mountain climbing, bungee jumping among others. This comes as an influence of peer pressure to help others discover new adventurous experiences.

Cost cutting
Group travel is one of the best way of cutting costs during tours. It's always noted that travelling in a group invites discounts in different services like hotels, transport fare, meals even sometimes beverages. It’s better to explore the globe in a group to reduce the general cost of the tour. Notable is most tourists destinations in the globe offer discounts to tourists who visit the sites as a group.
If you are planning on exploring the world with friends, it’s always vital to choose the best partners. Choose people who have the same travel style with yours and also who enjoy the same things like you do. Keep noting the kind of people that will join the tour because some might not fit your travel lifestyle but the good thing you meet new people.

Monday, December 3, 2018


Birding in Murchison falls national park

Right at the northwestern Uganda is where the largest national park called Murchison falls national park is located. It is about 305 kilometers from Kampala the capital city of Uganda hence approximately 4 hour road drive will take you to Murchison falls national park. The park has an approximate of about 4000 sq kilometers. This park has its own unique facts that make it different from the other Ugandan national parks. One of the uniqueness is that, it is the only national park in Uganda that is a home to the African big five animals like; elephant, buffalo, lion, leopard and the Rhino but still the Ziwa rhino sanctuary is so close to Murchison falls national park, meaning a traveler can encounter all the Africa’s big five in one location. This park got its name from the world’s powerful waterfall that is located within national park; it also doubles as Uganda’s third best spot for Uganda birding safari.
The location of the Murchison falls national park has made it to be a vibrant home for variety of bird species. Being among the best birding spots, Murchison falls national park it has over 451 bird species which include; water birds, Savannah birds and the Albertine rift endemic birds. This is an awesome landscape with offers the best for bird viewing and some of the amazing wildlife that inhabits Murchison falls national park, with a rewarding experience while enjoying a safari in Uganda.
The park has many numerous bird species with some of them being rare species, the most common and occasionally seen roaming the park are the crowned crane, giant Kingfisher, giant Heron, Shoebill stork, Abyssinian Ground Hombills, Nightjars, Marabou stork, Black headed lapwing, Back-bellied Bustard among others.
Different bird species in Murchison falls national park can best viewed while the visitors are on a game drive, nature walks through the savannah grasslands and also during a launch cruise along the Nile River and n the Albert Delta. Some of the birds that can be spotted near Paraa and Red chill through the dry thorn-shrubs are; blue napped mouse birds, silver birds, weavers among others. The nocturnal birds like the nightjars can be seen along Paraa road and also during a boat cruise on the Nile River. During the boat ride still there are of birds that can be seen like the shoebill, Gray crowned cranes, Goliath herons, black headed lapwings among other different species that can be seen along the shores.
The most interesting thing in Murchison falls national park birding is done throughout the  year though most  best times are during the dry season especially month like January to March , because this season is a low season in Uganda but birding remains unbeatable. Despite of December to February being a season when the rain is beginning but still birding stands out been affected by the effect of seasonality. From April to May and August to October where the rain is heavy, making it hard for bird watching because the trails for hiking become slippery and the tracks in the park become impassable and hard to navigate through them.
The most outstanding attraction though rear but still can be encountered from January to March during the dry season. For travelers who are interested in the Migratory birds definitely the season is between November and April.
For any birding safari in Uganda, the birder should be prepared with equipments like birding guide book, sun glasses, hats for protection from the sun, a pair of binoculars, steady shoes for hiking as you search for the birds.