Tuesday, January 22, 2019


one day hike Adventure on mount Sabiyo

Uganda's most energy of adventure is witness when it comes to wildlife safaris and beautiful landscape offering a spectaculars sightseeing adventures in most regions of the country. As Sir Winston Churchill described the country as "the pearl of Africa" it doesn't only stop there but more adventures have emerged in all the beautiful hidden gems. As the water bodies are used for adventures like white water rafting, bungee jumping, boat cruises, and fishing, swamp bird watching among others while the Mountains come with adventures such as rock climbing, sight viewing, and mountain climbing among others. But here comes a unique adventure of mountain hiking in Uganda where many travelers will not want to miss it out.

Uganda's landscape is awesome that a mountain hike adventure is so rewarding to experience especially when on top Ugandan mountains such as mountain Rwenzori, mountain Elgon, mount Morungole in Karamoja and mountain Mgahinga which is part of the Virunga ranges and most common hiked ranges are Mount Muhavura, mount Sabiyo and mount Karisimbi.
Hiking the Virunga ranges will either take you to hike mountain Muhavura which is the highest range or Sabiyo which is 3669m above sea level. It is an awesome experience for a beginner to hike mountain Sabiyo but the truth is, its not as easy as one might think.

A hike on mountain Sabiyo is a whole day hike as you walk under the thick forest of Mgahinga gorilla national park. The hike on Mount Sabiyo is a complete physic challenge to the body that always requires physical fitness before embarking on a hike on Sabiyo. "Be fit you will definitely do it".

The hike on Mount Sabiyo starts as early as 7am Africa time in the morning with briefing at the Mgahinga national park headquarters by the guide. The ranger guide briefs the hikers about the recommended dressing for the hike most importantly is having a rain jacket because the weather in the forest is unpredictable and also have hikers should have strong hiking shoe. It is advised that all hikers carry their lunch in their back bags most recommended are snacks which are easy to carry and not heavy. After the briefing by 8am you set off for the hike. It’s always emphasized by the ranger guide that if you can't reach the highest peak (the third peak) by 1pm it’s advised that you return because it’s possible that night might catch you in the jungle. So it means speed is also considered as you hike the Virunga ranges.

The most interesting about the hike on mount Sabiyo is that there are three peaks on the mountain so a hiker can decide to either reach the highest peak or stop at the first or the second peak but all are just awesome rewarding experience.
The first peak is at 3423m above sea level but to reach it, hikers walk through the bamboo forest, the swampy areas as you encounter some of the trails that are normally used by the Batwa people and not forgetting the three huts that showcases a traditional hut of the Batwa people. It’s on this first peak trail that one by good luck can have a sight on a golden monkey. This is the most challenging stage of the hike as physical fitness is required. When you reach the first peak you will take a rest as you eat you snacks and have some enough drink then proceed to the next peak.

The second peak is at 3537m above sea level. To reach this peak it involves a moment of sloping and also climbing the locally made ladders. This is the trail where the real function of the walking stick is noted. This peak fairly gives a view of the surrounding areas of Uganda, Democratic Republic of Congo and Rwanda.

The third peak stands at height of 3669m above sea which is the highest peak of mount Sabiyo. Reaching this summit means climbing ladders throughout right from the second peak up to the third peak. The third peak is a point where one can experience three countries in one location. This is one spots where one can be in three different African countries without a Visa I.e. Uganda, Democratic Republic of Congo and Rwanda. This peak is also a rich point for sight viewing of all the three countries cause it gives an opportunity for one to see round the area to all the three countries.
A complete one day hike of mount Sabiyo is an experience that takes one to three countries in one day and without a visa. It’s a point where no one will ever want to miss visiting.

Saturday, January 5, 2019


Exploring the cultural beauty of Kigezi region 

A trip that doesn’t consider the culture and the people leaves some of the unique aspects of the travel pending, as you might concentrate on the spectaculars landscape and the beautiful wildlife. In Uganda especially in the south western part well known by its nickname “The Switzerland of Africa” is the Kigezi region which is a paradise for encountering real authentic cultural adventure.

The Batwa culture is one of the exciting and authentic cultures that portray the real life of living in the forest in the past years because they are renowned as the people who lived in the forest of the Virunga until when they were relocated by Uganda wildlife Authority to the outcasts of Mgahinga national park.
Beside the adventure of culture and people there comes the home of Kigezi museum located a 5 kilometers from Kisoro town. The museum is an evidence of the past lifestyle of the Kigezi people, as it showcases conservation and culture in its natural state for exhibitions.

What makes me to rate this museum outstanding among the Ugandan museums is the serine environment with beautiful flowers, fruits and tress that brings out the real ecosystem hence adding beauty to the museum in its cultural way. What about taking a chill rest under the gardens in the museum? This brings to the mind a moment of meditation under the lush gardens as the fresh air from the Kigezi hills waves at you.
A moment of a rest under the gardens is accompanied by an awesome traditional meal and a traditional drink locally referred to as “Busera” which is prepared in a real traditional with complete local ingredients. The meal portrays the traditional foods that the ancestors used to eat which is also cooked in a traditional way with only water and fire taking action on the delicious local foods till it’s ready for consumption.

The museum exhibits what it means by an authentic ancient home of the people of Kigezi right from it’s the exterior to the interior of a traditional house. Inside the museum building is a collection of a complete traditional hut that displays a traditional shape of a hut in the region and how the interior is traditionally arranged.
Exciting and amazing stories describing the beautiful landscape of the area and the ancient traditional economic activities about the Kigezi region are all narrated at the museum for the visitors to get the feel of the region. Traditional hunting and farming methods are part of the new experience that one can get a hit on as you explore the museum in to its depth.

Home of Kigezi museum brings the experience of historical and cultural traditions of the Kigezi with traditional practices such as music; healing, iron forging and hunting skills as you visit the museum try any of these experiences.
For the gardening experience that you might be looking for in the fertile soils of the Kigezi region then join the museum for a real organic gardening experience that will leave you a farmer at the end of the adventure. Join the museum to help the community in fighting malnutrition, child stunting, hunger, sickness among others. Through doing these visitors gain specific skills in soil preparation, planting, weeding, management and harvesting fresh food to prepare your own traditional meal at the museum.

What of the bird lovers? Here you will love nothing but only to watch and talk to the birds under the natural and organic gardens. This is an opportunity to physically share a tree with different bird species and learn more about the different medicinal plants, the apiary as you see people, plants and the insects co-exist in a unique ecosystem.
Home of Kigezi museum is a base for the hike to the Kigezi Mountain. Hiking on the Kigezi Mountain takes travelers to the monument on the hill where the name Kigezi was originated. This is a famous historical site that brings the memories of the colonial times just next to Lake Umugezi.
It is with undoubted that a compete trip in south western Uganda must include a visit to the home of Kigezi museum as every traveler will need the best out of every trip. Make the museum either the alpha or the omega of your Kigezi trip, don’t miss it out.               


Wednesday, January 2, 2019


 Tips for best wildlife photography 

It is so pretty to come face to face with exciting wildlife during an adventure in the wilderness. The safari is always memorable when you get the best images of the entire safari. That is why every traveler visiting a new destination will always look out for the best camera no matter how heavy it can be. In Uganda it’s allowed to take as many pictures as possible during the safari so long as you abide by the parks rules and regulations on wildlife photography. Must to note is that flesh lights are not allowed during wildlife photography in the parks, travelers are always notified of this. Here are some tips to getting the best pictures while on your wildlife safari.

Be fairly close to the mammal
This seems to be obvious, but it will have more impact on the images you get in the wild. Getting a close picture of a wild animal will make the experience more memorable. In Uganda, being close may not be an option and that’s the reason why it’s vital to use longer lenses. The best lens should be capable of 250mm as a minimum. To get nice images of big wild animal species is just by having super telephoto lens more in the range of 400-500mm higher. Powerful lens will get the best cropped shots with many details on the animals face and its expressions.

Focus to the light
Within a fair distance to the animal, the next step is to consider the light source. Most often it is the natural light that you have to rely on because flesh lights are not allowed in Ugandan national parks. Without using other equipments, it is with no doubt that the best option is to rely on the sun to light on the animal during photography. The best way is to locate yourself between the sun and the animal to put you in the lit side of the mammal. Make sure to use shorter shutter speeds which can enable to capture more details in the animals face, body and even the eyes. Alert the driver while on the game drive so that he can look for the light and put you in the right position in the shortest time possible.  
Pay attention on the eyes of the animal
This is the moment of Seeing Eye to eye with the animal while taking a shot. Make it beautiful and exciting by getting the real eye conduct with the animal to make it a unique image. This means focus on the eyes of the animal in the shortest possible moment. Don’t rush to take a shot but be patient to wait for the animal to look direct in to the camera, and then take as many shots as you can while the animal is looking at the camera. These shots will be some of the all time pictures of the adventure.

Be ready on fast shutter speed
Set the camera to a very fast shutter speed because in the park you can’t be certain where you will spot the animal in the next minute. Some time it will need an additional ISO to the shot, however it is better than missing it. Sometimes you may get few minutes and you don’t want to have only a handful of unusable, blurry images. When you sight a new animal try to take with a fast shutter speed and when the animal is used to your presence in the area, and then take time to optimize your shot.

Carry along enough fast memory cards
An exciting photo doesn’t just come from the blue; it usually involves waiting followed by a flurry of camera shutters. Be sure that the camera and the memory card are ready. Ensure that your memory card doesn’t hold your camera back, rather be sure to have a faster one. Don’t let just a memory card to be a bottleneck for your photography experience. As you plan for your wildlife photography carry along with you enough SD cards because every scene in the wilderness must be captured. These memory cards are cheap compared to any part of the camera make sure to have plenty of fast cards.