Wednesday, January 2, 2019


 Tips for best wildlife photography 

It is so pretty to come face to face with exciting wildlife during an adventure in the wilderness. The safari is always memorable when you get the best images of the entire safari. That is why every traveler visiting a new destination will always look out for the best camera no matter how heavy it can be. In Uganda it’s allowed to take as many pictures as possible during the safari so long as you abide by the parks rules and regulations on wildlife photography. Must to note is that flesh lights are not allowed during wildlife photography in the parks, travelers are always notified of this. Here are some tips to getting the best pictures while on your wildlife safari.

Be fairly close to the mammal
This seems to be obvious, but it will have more impact on the images you get in the wild. Getting a close picture of a wild animal will make the experience more memorable. In Uganda, being close may not be an option and that’s the reason why it’s vital to use longer lenses. The best lens should be capable of 250mm as a minimum. To get nice images of big wild animal species is just by having super telephoto lens more in the range of 400-500mm higher. Powerful lens will get the best cropped shots with many details on the animals face and its expressions.

Focus to the light
Within a fair distance to the animal, the next step is to consider the light source. Most often it is the natural light that you have to rely on because flesh lights are not allowed in Ugandan national parks. Without using other equipments, it is with no doubt that the best option is to rely on the sun to light on the animal during photography. The best way is to locate yourself between the sun and the animal to put you in the lit side of the mammal. Make sure to use shorter shutter speeds which can enable to capture more details in the animals face, body and even the eyes. Alert the driver while on the game drive so that he can look for the light and put you in the right position in the shortest time possible.  
Pay attention on the eyes of the animal
This is the moment of Seeing Eye to eye with the animal while taking a shot. Make it beautiful and exciting by getting the real eye conduct with the animal to make it a unique image. This means focus on the eyes of the animal in the shortest possible moment. Don’t rush to take a shot but be patient to wait for the animal to look direct in to the camera, and then take as many shots as you can while the animal is looking at the camera. These shots will be some of the all time pictures of the adventure.

Be ready on fast shutter speed
Set the camera to a very fast shutter speed because in the park you can’t be certain where you will spot the animal in the next minute. Some time it will need an additional ISO to the shot, however it is better than missing it. Sometimes you may get few minutes and you don’t want to have only a handful of unusable, blurry images. When you sight a new animal try to take with a fast shutter speed and when the animal is used to your presence in the area, and then take time to optimize your shot.

Carry along enough fast memory cards
An exciting photo doesn’t just come from the blue; it usually involves waiting followed by a flurry of camera shutters. Be sure that the camera and the memory card are ready. Ensure that your memory card doesn’t hold your camera back, rather be sure to have a faster one. Don’t let just a memory card to be a bottleneck for your photography experience. As you plan for your wildlife photography carry along with you enough SD cards because every scene in the wilderness must be captured. These memory cards are cheap compared to any part of the camera make sure to have plenty of fast cards.    

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