Tuesday, January 22, 2019


one day hike Adventure on mount Sabiyo

Uganda's most energy of adventure is witness when it comes to wildlife safaris and beautiful landscape offering a spectaculars sightseeing adventures in most regions of the country. As Sir Winston Churchill described the country as "the pearl of Africa" it doesn't only stop there but more adventures have emerged in all the beautiful hidden gems. As the water bodies are used for adventures like white water rafting, bungee jumping, boat cruises, and fishing, swamp bird watching among others while the Mountains come with adventures such as rock climbing, sight viewing, and mountain climbing among others. But here comes a unique adventure of mountain hiking in Uganda where many travelers will not want to miss it out.

Uganda's landscape is awesome that a mountain hike adventure is so rewarding to experience especially when on top Ugandan mountains such as mountain Rwenzori, mountain Elgon, mount Morungole in Karamoja and mountain Mgahinga which is part of the Virunga ranges and most common hiked ranges are Mount Muhavura, mount Sabiyo and mount Karisimbi.
Hiking the Virunga ranges will either take you to hike mountain Muhavura which is the highest range or Sabiyo which is 3669m above sea level. It is an awesome experience for a beginner to hike mountain Sabiyo but the truth is, its not as easy as one might think.

A hike on mountain Sabiyo is a whole day hike as you walk under the thick forest of Mgahinga gorilla national park. The hike on Mount Sabiyo is a complete physic challenge to the body that always requires physical fitness before embarking on a hike on Sabiyo. "Be fit you will definitely do it".

The hike on Mount Sabiyo starts as early as 7am Africa time in the morning with briefing at the Mgahinga national park headquarters by the guide. The ranger guide briefs the hikers about the recommended dressing for the hike most importantly is having a rain jacket because the weather in the forest is unpredictable and also have hikers should have strong hiking shoe. It is advised that all hikers carry their lunch in their back bags most recommended are snacks which are easy to carry and not heavy. After the briefing by 8am you set off for the hike. It’s always emphasized by the ranger guide that if you can't reach the highest peak (the third peak) by 1pm it’s advised that you return because it’s possible that night might catch you in the jungle. So it means speed is also considered as you hike the Virunga ranges.

The most interesting about the hike on mount Sabiyo is that there are three peaks on the mountain so a hiker can decide to either reach the highest peak or stop at the first or the second peak but all are just awesome rewarding experience.
The first peak is at 3423m above sea level but to reach it, hikers walk through the bamboo forest, the swampy areas as you encounter some of the trails that are normally used by the Batwa people and not forgetting the three huts that showcases a traditional hut of the Batwa people. It’s on this first peak trail that one by good luck can have a sight on a golden monkey. This is the most challenging stage of the hike as physical fitness is required. When you reach the first peak you will take a rest as you eat you snacks and have some enough drink then proceed to the next peak.

The second peak is at 3537m above sea level. To reach this peak it involves a moment of sloping and also climbing the locally made ladders. This is the trail where the real function of the walking stick is noted. This peak fairly gives a view of the surrounding areas of Uganda, Democratic Republic of Congo and Rwanda.

The third peak stands at height of 3669m above sea which is the highest peak of mount Sabiyo. Reaching this summit means climbing ladders throughout right from the second peak up to the third peak. The third peak is a point where one can experience three countries in one location. This is one spots where one can be in three different African countries without a Visa I.e. Uganda, Democratic Republic of Congo and Rwanda. This peak is also a rich point for sight viewing of all the three countries cause it gives an opportunity for one to see round the area to all the three countries.
A complete one day hike of mount Sabiyo is an experience that takes one to three countries in one day and without a visa. It’s a point where no one will ever want to miss visiting.

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